Moldavite has a lovely appearance, but high quality specimens can be expensive. For your convenience, I’ve done all the work to identify the most reliable moldavite suppliers online and offline. Etsy will be the first website we recommend – get the facts!
You can find new as well as established moldavite merchants on this part of our website. Etsy has an extensive range of online products. Each product is available at a variety price levels and features a distinctive design. You should never make a purchasing decision without reading reviews. Also, you can check out the seller’s reputation by researching them. It is important to be careful when purchasing moldavite so as not to select one of lower quality or fake.
Crystal Allies, the second organization to be mentioned is a reputable online store. This online shop is reputable and offers crystals and gems of all sizes and colours, such as moldavite. So, you can select pieces with different finishes like raw or polished to suit your taste. The discounted price may be combined with a return if the purchase is not to your liking.
Shop in person at a crystal shop or attend a mineral or gem show if internet shopping is not for you. Many vendors will have extensive knowledge of moldavite at such events and be willing to guide clients towards the best item. You should do some preliminary research to check the reliability and prices of each supplier.
You should not undervalue the influence of auction websites such as eBay. Locally owned small businesses often result in cost-savings despite their associated risks. Asking questions about the product and researching the seller before purchasing is important. It is important to remember that, if something looks too good for it to be true then there’s a very high chance that it will turn out that way. The right moldavite can be obtained at an affordable price, with little effort or deliberation.